Steampunk Swashbucklers

Steampunk Swashbucklers

I have to admit the gamut of exploration possible absolutely expands so easily in a digital format. Yet, you would be surprised at how the laws of drawing are universal. Digital can be a gas, though.  In truth I am now just beginning to merge my analog ability with...


A drawing of a cosplay actor in the role of Malificent from Toronto FanExpo. Who doesn’t like a person with wings? Just add a little colour and a sylvan fantasy setting and presto. Line art is vector based using my Wacom Intuos and colours were done in...
Real Ontario Ghost Busters

Real Ontario Ghost Busters

Living in Ontario one always wondered where all the Ghosts where? It has to be these guys behind the scarcity. Well, who to portray in  stunning (to put it in the overused vernacular of social media) piece of art but real life heroes? These club members were great...
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